201228 What I learned in my studies this morning

Today's Tao:

From The Daily Stoic: 

How many people, famous and wealthy, known wide and far in their day, are forgotten now? See that plaque dedicating that library or fountain or memorial or historical marker? Who ever thinks about those people save for the 30 seconds spent reading the plaque itself? 

Do not count on leaving a mark in history so that others may know your name. 

Count on leaving an unseen mark on history through your actions and how they improved the world. 

From Helvidius Priscus:

Helvidius opposed Nero. He opposed the next emperor, Galba, too. And the next, Otho, too. The next, Vitellius, too. And Vespasian, too. 

He was tireless in his opposition to the evil that rulers do. 

If only today's senators were made of such stern material. 

(Lives of the Stoics, pp. 229-234)

From Eric Hoffer, Part III, Factors Promoting Self-Sacrifice, Make-Believe:


Doctrine answers all. Nothing is beyond the explanatory reach of the Way. So long as the Movement can turn all questions into statements of faith, it can convince the faithful to sacrifice themselves when needed to further the Cause. 

(The True Believer, XIII-58)
