201202 — What I learned in my studies this morning

From Huang Po: There are three types of relinquishment: the first is relinquishing everything, inside out, like in the Void. Nothing remains. Subjectivity and objectivity are forgotten. 

The second is performing acts of virtue while relinquishing of merit and any desire for reward. 

The third and lowest form of relinquishment is performing virtuous acts in hope of reward by those who have heard the Void and Dharma and are therefore unattached. 

(The Chun Chou Record, 22)

Note: Relating here what I read in Huang Po seems to be counterproductive to my efforts. I need to work on absorbing his wisdom directly, without thought, and making these notes is distracting my from my learning. I'll still read his works, but I won't be including them here. I apologize if anyone cares and wanted to see more. 

If you want to explore this wisdom yourself, the book is THE ZEN TEACHINGS OF HUANG PO on the transmissions of Mind translated by John Blofeld. (This is not an affiliate link.)

From Eric Hoffer: "Permanent misfits" are those who cannot, through defect of talent, mind, personality, or body, achieve what they most want to achieve. Salvation comes from abandoning the self and joining the collective of the movement.

Those whose frustration comes from an inability to create are the most misfit. They can become the most ardent, extreme, and even violent adherents to the cause.

(The True Believer, VI-37)

From Publius Rutilius Rufus: Do the right thing, even if it costs you everything.

(Lives of the Stoics, pp. 89-96)
