210113 What I learned in my studies this morning

Today's Tao:

Tao abides in non-action, 
Yet nothing is left undone. 
If those in power observed this, 
The ten thousand things would develop naturally. 
If they still desired to act, 
They would return to the simplicity of formless substance. 
Without form there is no desire.
Without desire there is tranquillity. 
And in this way all things would be at peace.

From The Daily Stoic: 
You control your mind. That's it. That's all. Nothing else.

Understanding this reduces the list of things you can do, but also the list of things you must concern yourself about. 

It simplifies things dramatically. Use this to focus on what you can change so you can accept and deal with those things you can't change. 

From Eric Hoffer, Part III, Unifying Agents:


If we sin, commit acts of cruelty or aggression, we have two choices: either convince ourselves and others that those we sinned against are subhuman, not worthy of dignity and, in fact, deserving of our hateful attention, or we must accept the self-loathing that coincides with playing the monster. 

Guess which side the Movement encourages.... 

(The True Believer, XIV-71)
