210129 What I learned in my studies this morning

Today's Tao:

Keep your mouth shut, 
Guard the senses, 
And life is always full. 
Open your mouth, 
Always be busy, 
And life is beyond hope.

From The Daily Stoic: 

Keep it simole. Do the next right thing. Don't get lost in the weeds. 

At every moment keep a sturdy mind on the task at hand, as a Roman and human being, doing it with strict and simple dignity, affection , freedom, and justice— giving yourself a break from all other considerations. You can do this if you approach each task as if it is your last, giving up every distraction, emotional subversion of reason, and all drama, vanity, and complaint over your fair share. You can see how mastery over a few things makes it possible to live an abundant and devout life—for, if you keep watch over these things, the gods won’t ask for more.”—Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 2.5

From Eric Hoffer, Part III, Unifying Agents:

Persuasion and Coercion 

Islam, Christianity, Communism . . . all are historic Movements. And all, without exception, became so not through persuasion, but only spread and commanded loyalty once backed by The Powers That Be. Without the State to coerce the populace into believing, they would have remained small sects, without widespread influence. 

Said the Spaniard St. Dominic to the heretical Albigenses: “For many years I have exhorted you in vain, with gentleness, preaching, praying and weeping. But according to the proverb of my country, ‘where blessing can accomplish nothing, blows may avail.’ We shall rouse against you princes and prelates, who, alas, will arm nations and kingdoms against this land … and thus blows will avail where blessings and gentleness have been powerless.”

(The True Believer, XIV-83)
