210831 What I learned in my studies this morning

Let me see my sins. 

Count. Regret. Remember. Use. 

Let them be my tools. 

Daily Stoic:

This is one of the easiest of Stoic instructions for me to practice. If only because I have so many failings to choose from. 

Was I tired? Hungry? Upset? Preoccupied? Unlucky? Whatever the reason, there have been millions of times when I've done something wrong, but not on purpose. Some accident or lack of forethought on my part paved the way for me to screw up somehow. 

The harder part is to remember to allow the same possibility to everyone else when they do something wrong and I am on the receiving end. 

I've gotten better about not ascribing malice to others, but I still usually suffer the brief-but-immediate flash of "you jerk!" before reaching the better assumption. 

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Arthur Schopenhauer, Aphorisms, On Ethics

Today's Poem:

Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, I Sing the Body Electric

Daily Shakespeare:

A Midsummer Night’s Dream | Act 5 Scene 1
