210919 What I learned in my studies this morning

Turgid prose. Bad words. 
Names for any other rose
Still rot like bad thoughts. 

Daily Stoic:

Correcting course when I am mistaken is proper.  Stubborn dedication to a plan, despite contrary facts, is ignorant and all too common instead. 

I cannot guess how many times I've continued on because I have been unable to shift to a better course because my intentions got stuck. My ego, or my biases or my ignorance or any of the myriad faults I hoard, block me from either admitting my error or from seeing the correction in the first place. 

Today's Meditation:

"It's a learning process. And if it's not a learning process, you're doing it wrong," me to my child yesterday morning. 

I try to teach them that everything can be a learning opportunity if you let it. It's a matter of looking for the lesson, thinking it through, and acting on the analysis. 

Now to learn how to change my mind when circumstances demand. 

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Meditation III:
