211119 What I learned in my studies this morning — 1st Anniversary Edition

A year of study,
Contemplating my navel . . .
Better for it?  Yes!

Daily Stoic:

A year ago, I started this journal with just the barest summarization of some things I read that day.  Here is the complete content of that post:

Through the year, my usual format has expanded to include:
  1. a starting haiku — as a mental exercise
  2. a commentary like this one — usually inspired by The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday
  3. some mediations — most often from the Sekirin and Cockrell translations of Tolstoy's A Calendar of Wisdom, but other sources appear as well
  4. another entry or two — usually some Daily Shakespeare and / or a poignant bit from my current read
Since then I've learned many things, practiced thoughtfulness and Stoic virtue, failed often, succeeded often, and generally tried to be a better person.

My only regret is that I waited so long in my life to begin this process.  Seeing how much progress I've made in a single year, I can hardly imagine what my life would be like had I put this into practice a few decades ago.

Thank you for joining me on my travels. Here's to many more years to come.

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Daily Shakespeare:

Hamlet | Act 3, Scene 1
