211126 What I learned in my studies this morning 2

Comparison harms
The buck cares not who you are.
The river flows on. 
Daily Stoic:

I am no poorer than Croeses.
I am no richer than St. Francis. 
I am no dumber than Bacon.
I am no smarter than Cyclops. 
I am no younger than Methuselah. 
I am no older than Pippa.
I am no wiser nor kinder nor nicer than my neighbors.

In the grand scheme of things, I am the same as my fellows.  Accepting this changes my focus. 

I need not compare myself to others. Nor need I consider myself a thing apart. I must see and consider my place in relation to all. 

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Pirsig:


Daily Shakespeare:

Love’s Labour’s Lost | Act 2 Scene 1
