220201 What I learned in my studies this morning 2

But what path to take?
The wise. But what about truth? 
Truth's mine! Source be damned. 
Daily Stoic:

At first I'd get angry. I'd make the rude gesture or biting comment. I'd make sure they knew of my displeasure and understood they should regret their offense to my noble personage! 

Then I learned. 

So I would count instead. Or I would take a break or walk around or otherwise remove myself for a while.

Then I learned. 

I rarely need to do these things anymore. Yes, I still feel an initial flush of anger and resentment, but it no longer controls me. 

Just this evening, I had an interaction with someone who took something the wrong way and made a rude comment. 

Yep! There's the first blush reaction. Why you son of a . . . . But then, as I've learned, I acknowledged it, I recognized it, and I let it pass through me. I did not assent to that reaction becoming action. I made it leave me be. 

I reminded myself of Marcus' meditation: remember they act out of ignorance. They don't realize their error. They don't realize they are offending. I have transgressed this way countless times myself. 

It happens. Let it go. 

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Daily Shakespeare:

Much Ado About Nothing, Act 5 Scene 4
