221124 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Not thanks, gratitude. 
Not self-congratulations
But humility. 

Daily Stoic:

Thanksgiving. A day to remember my blessings. To account for my fortune.

Rather, a day to set the stage for the rest of the year. 

Thinking about how blessed I am should be a constant, not a momentary blip once or twice a year. 

As Plutarch says below, no matter my ills or sorrows, someone out there, millions of someones maybe, would trade places with me in a heartbeat. I've had my share of problems, of heartbreaking loss and setbacks, daily stressors and unexpected issues. Even so, even if they'd necessarily suffer the bad with the good, my life would be a heaven to many. 

How can I complain?  How can I grouse and whinge?  It's not over.  And if I were to die today, my fate is my own. Amor fati

Today's Way to be More Stoic:

Today's Meditation:

Plutarch, Consolatio ad Uxorem, to his wife on the death of their daughter.

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Meditation III:
