221219 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Small busyness drowned 
In my concern, o'erwhelming
A long view sets right. 

Small busyness lights
Attention traced through maelstroms
To calming tension.

Daily Stoic:

It seems I've anticipated my Daily Stoic again. Can I let yesterday's entry count for today......? 

In business-speak, taking a 50000 ft view strips away messy details and identifies what is essential to a project. Bypassing all the crap, focusing on the heart of the matter, allowing me to do many things. 

I can avoid feelings of helplessness. Stopping that downward spiral, either by escaping Charybdis' clutches or, better, preventing capture entirely through understanding the big picture and larger strategy. 

I can examine future paths more clearly. From above, grand patterns present themselves for my evaluation. Interactions with other broad strokes are visible and can now be accounted for. 

From a long-term viewpoint, I can examine my anticipated judgments of this course's outcomes with a weathered eye, taking into account how diminished the import of an act becomes with time. 

(Did I accidentally set of the emergency alarm at Sam's and a hundred or so people turn to stare at me? Yep. Did I successfully, instantly, use this method to laugh it off and proclaim to the crowd that everything was ok? The alarm is functional and everyone can stop worrying about it? Yep.) 

My insignificant position in this universe is apparent, front of mind. I can let it lead to despair or I can use it to generate the gumption to get off my ass and make what I can of today. 

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Meditation III:

Today's Music:

Theme from A Clockwork Orange by Wendy Carlos

Daily Shakespeare:

Hamlet, Act 5 Scene 2
