230119 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Happiness is found
Along the path. 
It's not a destination. 


Soft humming in the other room. My child is happier today. They hum and sing to themselves when they're calm and unstressed. 

It makes me smile. 

Happiness, as the Buddha teaches, is the journey of life. I cannot arrive at happiness: it's not a state of achievement, but a continual process of finding peace in how I live my life.

Buddha* says this is achieved by understanding that the world, and all the things in it, are illusion. That separateness is not real. That connection to all things is reality.

Stoics, on the other hand, say tranquility is found in following Nature and focusing on what is within my control.

Maybe, if I continute my meditations, I will one day reach satori and all will make sense. Until then, Stoicism is my readily available course. 

We shall see what the future holds. 

Today's Meditation:

Today's Music:

Electric Counterpoint, 1: Fast by Steve Reich

* I am fully aware that this is a mistaken understanding of Buddhism. It's how I understand it so far and I am sure that, given time and continued study, I will one day look back on this explanation as naive and misguided. I look forward to that day. 
