230725 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Weaving to and fro,
The boxer matches his foe.
Patience is the key.


One area I disagree with the Stoics is their emphasis on engaging in politics.

Marcus Aurelius was an Emperor. Cato was a Senator. Seneca was a chief advisor to the Emperor. Publius Rufus was consul (one of the two chief magistrates of the Republic).

If they said "engage in the community" or "be public-minded," I'd be fine.  I fully agree that we should, as part and parcel of our cosmopolitanism, be active in local events and work to improve our local area.  It's politics I cannot abide.

If nothing else, I worked in politics.  I worked on Capital Hill in DC and both helped with and outright managed political campaigns at various levels.

I've seen the sausage made and want no part of it. 

That said, volunteerism, community outreach, local activism, etc. are all good and praiseworthy endeavors I fully support.

Just don't ask me to be part of a system that . . . well, it's too much to go into here.  Let's just say not only no but hell no.

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Meditation III:
