230730 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

A night of singing —
Carousing with our fast friends —
Leads to right thinking.

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Meditation III:


Today's Thoughts are about other people.

Know myself to know others, to forgive them, to learn from them.

I know my sins are broad and deep. I know they're relentlessly, incessantly fighting to strengthen their presence in my life. My vicious ways erupting again to my shame. It's a daily effort to hold them in check and still they find their way through and I fail. I sin. 

On what grounds can I judge others for committing the same offenses I commit?  Or when their misstep is less grievous than others of mine?

Humilty is a natural consequence of this realization. If I find myself puffed up and prideful, or crowing about some success or victory, let me but meditate upon my sins and retake my place among the rest of humanity.

Thankfully, humanity includes those who show me the way, who demonstrate for me both proper behavior and proper disposition. These people I call friends and my life would be all the poorer for their absence.
