230830 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Think! Think damn you! Think!
The bomb will explode in thirt....
Lie! It exploded now.

Today's Meditation:

<<The teachings also say that the mind is reality and the only reality. If this is true, then what happens when we think differently?>>

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Meditation III:


Who is my thoughts? An odd question, that, but isn't that what the first two quotes are saying? And what Tolstoy harps on every other day? Think good thoughts; avoid evil thoughts and you will become good (by not doing evil if nothing else).

And how many others since time long past have said this, if not in these exact words? Socrates? Epicurus? Zeno? Epictetus? Buddha? Tolstoy? Dr. Phil?  Ted 'Theodore' Logan?


Who is choosing when I make a decision about something? Not who as in 'what person' but as in 'which monkey is driving my bus at the moment'?  Is it lust? Is it gluttony? Is it pride? Is it primitive survival (lizard brain)?

Perhaps dragging them into the light will rob them of some of their power?
