230911 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

How many people
While away the day in hot
Mess thinking mishaps?

Today's Meditation(s):


I've gotten big. Too big. I know better, I just don't follow through. I eat the wrong stuff. I eat too much. I eat when I'm not hungry. I eat if there's food laying about. I eat.

Today, I'm not. Nor tomorrow. Nor the rest of the week, if things go as planned.  (Yes, I know the effects of extended fasting. That's why I do it.)

I spent the better part of a year fasting during the week and eating on weekends. I lost 35-40 pounds and felt great.

Then I had a rough patch and let life get to me. I abandoned what had brought me all that way and have more or less eaten anything and everything I want for the past 8 months.

I let myself believe that the pie in the fridge, the bread on the counter, the next snack, that they would give me the satisfaction I crave.  Surprise, they never do.

Hells, half the time I'm stupid enough to eat something but forget to pay attention and so never consciously enjoy it.

And all this is just about food / weight. I haven't even touched on exercising to become healthier and more capable.

Well today I start back. Today I commit to eating only occasionally and to choosing better options when I do.

I've got 50+ pounds to go. Let's do this.
