231013 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Routines, daily done,
Firm pillars of foundations
Quakes cannot touch.

Today's Meditation(s):

My views on what should happen to the state are better left unpublished in this forum.  Suffice it to say that I agree with Tolstoy here and would go farther than he does.

I would rather talk about what I do stand for:

I stand for a voluntary society, where interactions are based on mutual agreement.

I stand for non-aggression through refusal to use force or fraud to coerce agreement.

I stand for creating any rules we want, in whatever social institutions we want (churches, clubs, associations, workplaces, etc.) , so long as participation is voluntary and consent can be withdrawn.*

I stand for people ruling themselves, not others.

I stand for creative solutions to societal problems. Free people and communities can be creative and experiment with different ways of solving problems.  As better solutions are discovered, these ideas will spread and be adopted by others, helping make society better in many ways.

I stand for using technology to unite rather than divide.  Ask the AI 'How can I be at peace with XYZ and ABC?' instead of 'How can I beat them?"

I stand for radical personal responsibility.  If I did it, I must accept the censure of the community if that is what is demanded.  If I demand radical personal liberty, I must accept the responsibility that goes with it. I don't get to pass the buck for things I do.

  • Do all you have agreed to do
  • Do not encroach on other persons or their property.

* Note that consent can be withdrawn by either party.  They can decide they don't want me around and kick me out just as much as I can decide their rules are not for me and forgo future benefits that may have come from continuing to associate with them.
