231026 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Enchiridion . . .
Handbook to a better life.
Tough, but so worth it.

Today's Meditation(s):

Enchiridion 3, trans. by Robin Hard

I've been thinking about this one a lot lately. My dad, mostly, but also my son.

When I first read this passage, it struck me, as it does many people, as hard, ruthless, uncaring, and just awful.  Who the HELL wants to think about the fact that they are only 'renting' their loved ones for a short amount of time?  Why on Earth would you dwell on this sort of thing? That's disgusting!

And yet, time has proved me wrong yet again.

Now I know why he said this. Now I have more experience and can accept this wisdom.  Now I focus on it, making it a central core of how I want to approach each day.

If I know I have to give them back, and perhaps quite soon, then today I will love them extra.  I will forgive their mood.  I'll indulge them a bit more.  There are extra stories read and hugs always accepted.  There are fewer movies and shows watched, but more attention paid and more joy found.

I don't always live up to this ideal, but I keep trying no matter what.

That way, even if they lose me, they'll know I loved them as much as I possibly could while I was here.
