240706 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s):

Discourses, 3.24.84 (Waterfield)

All things are temporary. All relationships fleeting. All possession miraged.

If I am going to control my assents, if I'm going to practice the first step of Stoicism, I must admit to myself that all things are subject to the will and whim of outrageous Fortune. Nothing external is up to me and placing my values there is asking for upset, disquiet, distress, and all the negative emotions concomittant with desire.

My car may be wrecked today. My job may evaporate on Monday. My house may burn down or my loved one may die. These things happen every day all over the world.

Is it wise to think that I will be the exception to this fate? That somehow my cherished people and things will be spared the temporary nature of reality?

No. I already know from experience that I am not immune. I should act as an adult and accept the world as it is.

Premeditatio malorum.
