
Showing posts from July, 2024

240730 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.8.1-2 (Waterfield) He who wants less, and wants what he gets, is unbothered, calm, satisfied, free.

240729 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.9.1-2 (Waterfield) Not the man who has everything but he who wants nothing is truly wealthy indeed.

240728 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.8.8-9 (Waterfield) People don't have a frame of reference for philosophy — they don't know what it is to do philosophy well or to be a philosopher — so they judge by appearance only. With singers and carpenters, they've been aware of the skills necessary to succeed in those professions for a long time. They can compare the current example in front of them to a host of previous versions and see which is better. With philosophy, they've maybe never even met one, much less been taught how to appraise their success. Is it any surprise that they fail so badly at identifying good and bad? But what do I care? This is not up to me.

240727 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.7.31-32 (Waterfield) If I am my carcass. Stop trying to frighten me. I know better. Defiance, Part III : Daughter of the Bride of the Revenge of the Reckoning of Epictetic Bugaloo!

240726 What I learned in my studies this morning 4*

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.7.18 (Waterfield) What's that to me? Like ' bring it on ', this is disdain for what doesn't matter, for picayune, trivial points beneath notice.  This is true freedom. Their power be damned, be outside of that now. Nothing can harm that which is integral. Nothing can breach the Inner Citadel.

240725 What I learned in my studies this morning 4**

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.7.13 (Waterfield) Bring it on. I like that, the translation that is.  Matter of fact, yet defiant. Defiant yet accepting. This is no soft begging, no 'why me'. This is daring personified. This is strength. This is purpose and perfect control.

240724 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.6.23-24 (Waterfield) I have that impulse. To explain why I'm right and they're wrong. To show I'm better. To make people think more of me. To 'be' superior. How foolish! How burlesque! How wretched!

240723 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.6.12 (Waterfield) 'I'm in this photo and I don't like it.' Why aren't I at peace? Why aren't I tranquil and equanimous? Why do I feel stress and anxiety and depression and fear? Why don't I figure it *** **** out? Because I don't really believe it? Because I still feel afraid of losing my job or my family having a problem. Because, while I'm pretty good at not wanting big, expensive, flashy things, I'm terrible about not giving up ' the 10000 things ' the peck and pick at my wallet and my sanity.

240722 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.6.6 (Waterfield) I spent years in acedemic philosophy. I have been seriously reengaged with philosophy, and Stoicism more specifically, for several years. I am a professional communicator. I have a gift for words that sometimes expresses itself. And yet, if I try to explain something to others, I'm dumb. I'm mute. Worse, I'm not mute and screw it up spectacularly. I fear I have done more to harm the spread of knowledge than anything I've done to promote it. Best to stick to trying to convince myself.

240721 What I learned in my studies this morning 4*

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.5.22 (Waterfield) The opinions of others are not up to me. They are not good or bad. If people don't understand, that's as may be, but it's not up to me.

240720 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.4.46 (Waterfield) Progress counts. If I backslide tomorrow, that is an error I will work on, but, for today, if I have made progress in divining what is up to me, if I've made proper use of my reason to follow Nature, if I've managed my assent well, then I may be content with my status as prokoptôn and continue on my path.

240719 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Letters on Ethics to Lucilius , 13.16 (Graver and Long) "The fool is always getting ready to live." How many things am I leaving unfinished, or un-really-started-on, because I vacillate to some new shiny that catches my attention? Remember those plans to show the kids Subject A and discuss Topic 3? Or the ones to stop buying X and Y and Z? Or to stop chasing the high of that perfect LMNO I had that one magical time? Or to eat better and set a good example? Or to teach the kids how to exercise? Ohh watuhfoo liam.

240718 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.3.11 (Waterfield) Do the next right thing. Discern what is up to me and what is not up to me and do the next right thing. Keep my principles first and foremost and do the next right thing. Be a citizen of the world and do the next right thing. Fill my purpose with kindness and do the next right thing. This way I can find tranquility and contentment, be useful and generous, spread love and peace.

240717 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.2.2-4 (Waterfield) I've been very lucky that my friends mostly have a philosophical bent to them and thus don't object to my attempts at practicing Stoicism.  As for the rest, it either doesn't come up or my behavior hasn't been objectionable.  In fact, more than one has expressed interest and questioned me about my studies. It's been wonderful to know such people and count them as part of my Circle of Preferred Indifferents.

240716 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Daily Stoic 240716 I must control myself, focus my reason and my will, and find Nature's path through the challenge. I have Frankl's freedom, the space between stimulus and response. I have philosophy to stymie rash decisions made under the spell of passion. Nothing is gained from reacting when action is what's needed.

240715 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.1.135 (Waterfield) If I believed it, it would be easy.

240714 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.1.115 (Waterfield) It's a story of Diogenes and pirates, kidnapping and being sold into slavery. Diogenes' defiance of expected order, remaining upright rather than groveling, giving commands to the pirates and the slaver, etc. showed him to be utterly free from care that these men might do him harm or cause him discomfort. It also points to something from Seneca: can Stoics lie? Seneca talks about how it's important not to be angry with others. I should control my emotions and not assent to passions. But, he says, we can feign anger if necessary to achieve our goal.( De Ire , 1.14.1) And Epictetus says that a mere word carries nothing to fear. In other words, saying 'master' isn't the issue. I meaning it, is. So a Stoic can pretend, though I'm not sure what benefit a sage could want that saying 'master' is appropriate.

240713 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.1.60 (Waterfield) Seventy-third verse, same as the first. Repetition is the mother of learning, right? Perhaps Epictetus is emphasizing that I need to include intangibles — appointments, positions, honors, boons — in our understanding of what can turn my soul to slavery. Baubles be damned, rank and high office often lure more than wondrous widgets.

240712 What I learned in my studies this morning 4*

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.1.59 (Waterfield) Back on this again? Well, yeah. It's important. But we've already covered this a hundred times. And you still haven't learned it yet.... The more I look for happiness outside of my will, the more power I give others over me. If they can grant a boon or bring a judgment upon me, I am indebted to them for presence of pleasure or pain. Place in these the least of my care, however, and I am free.

240711 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.1.46 (Waterfield) If I get what I want, will that make me happy? Will I be satisfied?  Will I now worry it will be taken from me? Perhaps stolen or repossessed by my benefactor? Will my desires merely be inflamed and grow to encompass more and more, leaving me more and more dissatisfied because now I am missing even grander things which, I know, I just must make part of my life? Or will I only be happy when I learn to want to what I get?

240710 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.1.42-44 (Waterfield) Misapplication of preconceptions. Proper assent. Using reason. Following Nature. Discerning what is up to me and what is not up to me.

240709 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.1.6-7 (Waterfield) How a slave? Because I still make obeisance to the rich and powerful, to the bosses and 'authorities.'  I am still beholden to power and influence and those who, given misplaced value, can threaten the externals I still worry about like my comfortable existence and my and my family's security.

240708 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 4.1.1 (Waterfield) If I contend only with what's inside of me, with my will and reason, I can, assuming I do it correctly, be free of all the frustrations and vexations associated with life. Congratulations! Achievement unlocked! You are ____0.3%____ of the way toward your goal of eudaimonia! Or so I imagine the announcement would look in my Humanity 1.0 dashboard, if I could pull up my stats.

240707 What I learned in my studies this morning 4*

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 3.26.13 (Waterfield) I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now....

240706 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 3.24.84 (Waterfield) All things are temporary. All relationships fleeting. All possession miraged. If I am going to control my assents, if I'm going to practice the first step of Stoicism, I must admit to myself that all things are subject to the will and whim of outrageous Fortune. Nothing external is up to me and placing my values there is asking for upset, disquiet, distress, and all the negative emotions concomittant with desire. My car may be wrecked today. My job may evaporate on Monday. My house may burn down or my loved one may die. These things happen every day all over the world. Is it wise to think that I will be the exception to this fate? That somehow my cherished people and things will be spared the temporary nature of reality? No. I already know from experience that I am not immune. I should act as an adult and accept the world as it is. Premeditatio malorum .

240705 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): The True Believer , XIV Unifying Agents, Hatred, §58 I try not to identify too closely to any -ism other than Stoicism. And I try to confine myself to learning how I should live rather than trying to instruct others on how they should behave (other than my kids). (In fact, a few minutes ago, I found myself writing something that sounded political, other-centered, and definitely not about my personal journey toward enlightenment. Thankfully, I spotted it and spared you the inane ramblings of this particular 'anonymous' twat on the net.) I am trying only to change myself, my reasoning, my actions, my understanding, my assumptions, my biases and prejudices, my filters and blindspots. Nothing else is up to me so I do what I can do and, Fate willing, it will be enough. I need to keep working on doing these things more consistently.

240704 What I learned in my studies this morning 4*

Today's Meditation(s): The Daily Stoic 240704 Responsible - I caused this. v Responsibile - I didn't cause this, but I have to fix it if I want it fixed, otherwise I shouldn't bitch about it. Irresponsible - I caused this but won't cop to it. v Irresponsible - I didn't cause this, but someone thinks I should be the one to fix it.

240703 What I learned in my studies this morning 4**

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 3.23.30 (Waterfield) I wonder why Epictetus uses physical maladies after this excerpt — dislocated shoulder, abscess, headache, tumor. It seems it would be easy to use psychological or spiritual ills — malaise, anger, lust, prestige-seeking — to demonstrate what cases philosophy can help. I'll need to think on this more before I figure it out.

240702 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 3.21.1-3 (Waterfield) I wish so badly to instill the basics of philosophy in my children. But I am an unworthy teacher. I've tried, but my only success #⃣ been when following the lead of the another, reading a book with them and reviewing it. Since I am unable to adequately defend my Stoicism, try as I might, I can only hope that I am able to at least live something of an example for them. That, plus the readings, is what I can do so it is what I do.

240701 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s): Discourses , 3.20.13-15 (Waterfield) It's all in the wrist..... Or, all in the judgments, to be more accurate. If I judge something to be bad, I am right, even if I am mistaken. I will bring into my world the negative effects of that judgment, even if there would have been none before. If I judge something to be good, I am also right, unless I am mistaken. In this case, if I mistakenly believe something vicious is virtuous, that could quickly lead me far away from my goal of a virtuous life. But if I learn to judge well, I'll find the chance to be virtuous in whatever situation I find.