220130 What I learned in my studies this morning 2

A good friend in need, 
Though they do not perceive it.
Saying hard truths hurts. 

Daily Stoic:

I took this lesson to heart several years ago. Once I got used to simply saying "I don't know / I don't care," it's amazing how it freed me from giving a shit about so, SO much useless crap. 

If someone thinks me ignorant, ok; that wasn't under my control in the first place. Anyone who's opinion I might value will already know me well enough that they have already judged me smart or ignorant. 

More importantly, they will be able to tell from my questions (or lack thereof) whether or not I care about the answer. Am I stupidly ignorant or I am willfully ignoring a topic because I have actively chosen not to care about, say, celebrity gossip or a phone game fad. 

Is this ignorance or amathia (a lack of wisdom; anti-sophia)?  

Ignorance, accidental or willful, can be cured if necessary. Amathia, willful unwisdom, is unforgivable.

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Meditation III:

Daily Shakespeare:

Hamlet, Act 3 Scene 1
