
Showing posts from July, 2021

210731 What I learned in my studies this morning

Hot morning, sun's out?  Time to test my endurance!.....  This was a mistake....... Daily Stoic: "Who wants to be the person who can never let go? Is there so little meaning in your life...?" (from The Daily Stoic commentary for today)  A friend of mine once complained about their job. They hated it. They hated what they did. They hated their coworkers. They hated the environment.  Part of their remonstration was that it made them sad that this was their life. This [crappy job] was "who they were." "[Student], how in the hell did I end up as [insert their job title here]?"  They identified themselves,   internally , as their position.  My response? " It's a job, not a jail. " * I get it. It's easy to get wrapped up in work. It takes so much of my time and brain power and attention.  It's front and center most days of my life right now.  [A bit of background: I've been in the same job for more than a decade now.  I'm real

210730 What I learned in my studies this morning

Evening studies mark The end of the busy day.  Study. Think. Sleep. Go!  Daily Stoic: Finding inner joy is tough, but once you tap into that secret well, it is a spring that can last forever.  It's not about being the life of the party, or cheerfulness, or even about simple smiling.  Rather, it's about inner peace and contentment. It's about accepting the world as it is and still being ok with that, no matter what comes .  A perfect Stoic sage might be like this. I am not.  I try, and I'm better than I was a mere 8 months ago when this journaling journey began, but I all too often show the frailty of my spirit, allowing myself to become upset or dispondent or depressed over some thing or other that is never actually worth getting worked up about.  I'll keep working and, hopefully making progress, but the path is not easy. Ryan Holiday, in today's meditation in The Daily Stoic , puts it this way: <<Who cares if someone is bubbly when times are good? What ki

210729 What I learned in my studies this morning

Philosophy is Mind working to heal the soul. Hard, but rewarding. Daily Stoic: A friend came to me yesterday with a problem, asking for Stoic advice.  They practice Stoicism — they probably know it better than I do — they just wanted a different perspective in case they were missing something.  Unfortunately, I don't think I helped. Their problem is long-term and intransigent with no quick fix.  They began by asking me to start with Chapter II of Marcus' Meditations . They knew I'd know: We talked about this passage.  We talked about internals and externals.  We talked about responsibility and how they can only manage their own actions and character.  We talked about options. In the end, I'm not sure anything I said mattered. All I can do is accept that I tried my best and they their salvation is up to them.  I cannot do it for them. I still wish I could have helped more. Today's Meditation: Daily Shakespeare:

210728 What I learned in my studies this morning

Loving others is A hard thing to daily do Though so, so, vital. Daily Stoic: #BeKind is one of my foundational principles.  Part of being kind is learning to accept others as they are and treat them appropriately.  If the way I had planned to approach this isn't working, it's up to me to figure out how their style differs from mine and to find a way to get the two to mesh. It's sometimes slow, sometimes fast, but either way, if someone needs more help, I need to conquer any impatience, frustration, or anger, remind myself this person is worth my time and my effort, and move ahead. From The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday Today's Meditation: Daily Shakespeare:

210727 What I learned in my studies this morning

Ultimate with son...  TWO — TWO! — scores caught by my boy Great finish today.  Daily Stoic: Since I've begun studying Stoicism again in earnest, I think the most remarkable change I've noticed how much happier I am. Just plain joy about life.  I'm happier.  I'm nicer.  I'm more understanding.  I'm more appreciative of my family, my friends, and even random passers-by . . . all humanity, really.  I notice and feel genuine respect for other people's inner lives (sonder).  I'm more likely to notice my mistakes and correct them either before the error occurred or as soon as possible thereafter . I am eager to offer the benefit of the doubt in social situations, avoiding conflicts before they start.  I am much more capable of taking a joke / insult and doing my best to outdo them in joking about myself and my shortcomings.  I know I don't have the Answer. Or the Answers. But I also know this path is better than the one I was on and now I'm making rea

210726 What I learned in my studies this morning

Olympic glory Amazing athletes spinning  Ignoring physics.  Daily Stoic: Active resistance to evil is necessary. Unfortunately, I cannot fight every enemy. I must choose my battles.  First, oppose evil at hand. If it's happening right here , right now , I have a duty to act. I don't get to pass the buck. If it's worth doing, I must be willing to do it.  Second, I can better myself — mentally, physically, emotionally, and spirituality — so I am prepared for the moment when it arises.  Finally, I can help my local area. Simple logistics says I can better help those near me.  Monetarily, through volunteering, or by donating my time and talents.  Today's Meditation:

210725 What I learned in my studies this morning

I owe, I owe, it's  Off to see the wizard, the  Wonderful world of...  Daily Stoic: This, I do well. I don't yearn for praise or recognition or fame or awards. Let me live my life in peace and I am happy.  Yet another item to add to the "don't think too much of myself" file.  Today's Meditation:

210724 What I learned in my studies this morning

Birthday boys raucous  Celebration of the day We were doubly blessed. Daily Stoic: I am the master of my world. Not the externals, the idiosyncrasies of the world, but of my mental contents and habits. What I think is my own, regardless of what happens or what others do.  Which is why I am continually astounded by how much illness I see in my approach to others.  Too often I see people as means rather than as ends in themselves . I treat them as a tool to accomplish my goals when I should recognize their sonder , their complete and independent personhood, distinct from my own.  How often am I unkind? Or thoughtless? Or ignorant? Or just don't care that the fully human person I am interacting with is worthy of my respect and care?  My world is my own. I am responsible for myself. Others are responsible for their worlds. Even so, part of my duty is to treat people well and be a cause of joy and felicity in their lives rather than the negative emotions I too often cause.  Today's

210723 What I learned in my studies this morning

Food is a weakness.  Off diet for a week leaves me  Feeling bad. Start again.  Daily Stoic: From Letters from a Stoic by Seneca, letter VIII What Fortune gives, Fortune can also take away. I must accept that honors or praise I receive with calm and do the same with insults and barbed comments.  Today's Meditation: Daily Shakespeare:

210722 What I learned in my studies this morning

Last day at the lake  Stillness unbroken by worries.  Left behind too soon.  Daily Stoic: Consent applied to everything. Sex. Taxes. Exchanges. Either both parties consent, or whatever happens is illegitimate.  Today's Meditation: Daily Shakespeare: Meditation II: ‘I am writing this,’ he says, ‘not for the eyes of the many, but for yours alone: for each of us is audience enough for the other.’ ~ Epicurus 

210721 What I learned in my studies this morning

What fools these mortals  Be or not to be, that is  The answer to life.  Daily Stoic: Why is my natural purpose what is different from the animals? The thinking part? Why isn't my natural nature Iike a cat or a bird?  Because, were that the case, humans would not be unique. And, while that may be true, we, in our hubris and delusion, cannot accept that, thus we  craft a meaning for ourselves much more in keeping with the hero's role in this drama.  Today's Meditation: Daily Shakespeare:

210720 What I learned in my studies this morning

Knowledge, imagined  In absence of evidence.  Stop it. Do better.  Daily Stoic: I hate being a judgmental bastard.   It amazes me when I find myself doing so. Suddenly understanding that, for years, I've prejudged people and things and situations.  But then, a single, bright, clear, Stoic thought raises me above it, convinces me in the brilliant light of sudden realization that I have wasted years thinking I knew how things were, instead of taking advantage of the opportunities to engage and learn.  How many more walls have I erected over the years which blind me to the rich and wonderful things life offers? Time to be better.  Today's Meditation: Daily Shakespeare:

210719 What I learned in my studies this morning

Cannonba-a-all!  SPLASH! Whee! Let's go over here!  Family play time.  Daily Stoic: Seek after truth, justice, self-control, goodwil to others, and every similar virtue. Good idea. Great idea! Now to walk the walk....  It's hard to makes this habitual. To alwhere and everywhen actively,   purposefully , consciously pursue these things.  To be so committed to them that it no longer need be conscious.  Much work remains....  Today's Meditation: Daily Shakespeare:

210718 What I learned in my studies this morning

Preparing to go Journeying with family. Peaceful waters soon. Daily Stoic: You own you. I own me.  I follow the two laws : 1. Do all you have agreed to do 2. Do not encroach on other persons or their property I follow the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) : All interactions must be voluntary. Coercion (through force or fraud) is illegitimate.  So long as people are not aggressive, infringing on the rights of others, do what they will. Their business is not mine.  And I require the same of them .  Today's Meditation: Daily Shakespeare:

210717 What I learned in my studies this morning

Some days, morning is Not in the morning. It is  At the end of day.  Daily Stoic: Cutting off dialogue is not helpful.  I like to think of myself as someone who very good at not doing that. I sort of pride myself (not entirely justifiably) on my listening skills.  Thus, this becomes an area of special concern for me. If I think of myself, "I would never do that!" it will be easier for me to overlook or justify bending or breaking that rule . . . just this one time, right?  Hopefully, with a watchful eye, I can avoid this temptation.  Today's Meditation: Daily Shakespeare:

210716 What I learned in my studies this morning

We're going on a Trip in our favorite rocket  Ship. Zooming through the... Daily Stoic: What do I believe? What do I profess? Are my actions consistent with the principals I put forth? No. Not perfectly.  I do my best, but sometimes I fail. Sometimes I am lazy and fail. Sometimes I am inattentive and fail. Sometimes I am morally corrupt and fail. Today is a new day. A chance to do better. Today's Meditation: Daily Shakespeare: