
Showing posts from August, 2023

230831 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

But whyyyyyyy? I wannaaaaa! Hush, child. Quiet. Be still now. You're soon blessed enough. Today's Meditation(s): Thoughts: But it's so easily hurt, right? My ego? Too easy for someone to break me with an unkind word or sharp feeling. To react in ways unbecoming. To over commit to folly because I 'gotta get em back!' or 'teach them a lesson!' Wait. I thought Stoicism was supposed to fix me, to cure me of such idiocy. Well, that then becomes a tale of reality v hopes and dreams. I know I'm better than I was when I was young. My temper got me in trouble too often, though usually minor (and the cops rarely got involved). But that doesn't mean I'm yet immune to a bruised self-image. Or that I always manage not to use my ill-chosen words at just the wrong time. However, the more I practice, the more often I'll get it right. Time to be better. ====== As for the second part, I am highly educated, but it's not been until the pa

230929 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Permanent stations. Ever-present reminders Of  ad hoc measures. Today's Meditation(s): I could not be a soldier. Not that I would not care to defend something I love or the people in my community, but you could never, ever convince me this wasn't some fucking racket / beef between some Big Shots. If they have a problem, let them sort it out. Be damned if I'm to shoot at somebody I don't know just to satisfy their ego or greed. Fuck that and fuck them. No.

230928 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Suddenly appear Every time, you draw near, oh To be close to me. Today's Meditation(s): All education is self-education.  I'd know so. much. more. if I'd known this from the beginning. Forget stock tips, just let me send THAT  message to my 20-year-old self (and have me believe it) and let's see what happens.

230830 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Think! Think damn you! Think! The bomb will explode in thirt.... Lie! It exploded now. Today's Meditation: <<The teachings also say that the mind is reality and the only reality. If this is true, then what happens when we think differently?>> Today's Meditation II: Today's Meditation III: Thoughts: Who is my thoughts? An odd question, that, but isn't that what the first two quotes are saying? And what Tolstoy harps on every other day? Think good thoughts; avoid evil thoughts and you will become good (by not doing evil if nothing else). And how many others since time long past have said this, if not in these exact words? Socrates? Epicurus? Zeno? Epictetus? Buddha? Tolstoy? Dr. Phil?  Ted 'Theodore' Logan? ===== Who is choosing when I make a decision about something? Not who as in 'what person' but as in 'which monkey is driving my bus at the moment'?  Is it lust? Is it gluttony? Is it pride? Is it pr

230829 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Rigid claws sharp scrape, Blood boils in the darkest hate. Have mercy, Jolene.* Today's Meditation: Today's Meditation II: Thoughts: Be kind. A recurring theme here and in my life. And in my children's lives. As I've said before, it's a foundational assumption in everything we do. First, be kind. Then work the problem. And I love the fact that, as I read the second quote, I find that I'm closer to the description of serenity than of boredom. ===== * Idea stolen from this meme.

230828 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Drumbeats echo through the halls, 'Round the corners, down the malls. Fretful tattoo of ancient meaning Chanting low High words flow Flashing rhythm of folly's dreaming. Today's Meditation: Today's Meditation II: Today's Meditation III: Thoughts: I must go to bed. I'll finish this in the morning. G'night.

230827 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Sweaty nights ahead, Contesting with the dire thoughts That invade my mind. Today's Meditation: Today's Meditation II: Today's Meditation III: Today's Meditation IV: Thoughts: La la lalala let's live for today . And which of you by worrying can add one hour to his life? ~ Luke 12:25 But if I do everything with love, love every person and love every situation, I will make things as best I can at the time.  And that's all anyone can ask.

230826 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Fools' ships, blundering Vital missions of justice. Find an even keel. Today's Meditation: Today's Meditation II: Today's Meditation III: Thoughts: Justice is wisdom applied to relationships between people (or between a person and their community or between communities). We have rules / aspirations about such practices: — Be fair. — Be proportionate. — Don't be capricious. — Be kind. / Don't be cruel. — Look for a chance to show mercy. — Give the offender a chance for redemption.* — Set a good precedent to follow in similar situations in the future.* — Motivation matters, in both committing the offense and in passing judgment. — Outcome matters, in both committing the offense and in passing judgment. These rubrics help guide our actions and decisions when someone has transgressed, but there will always be cases where they aren't enough, where no set of static rules will produce justice . In those cases, we have to look de

230825 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Blaze the goddamn trail! To where you know it will run. It will lead us there. Today's Meditation: Today's Meditation II: Thoughts: Some nice resources online are spoiled a bit by a certain amount of gatekeeping 'no true Greeksman' activity.  Though I try to let it slide, because I know wishing for a world without pedantic, nitpick people is impossible. I much prefer Seneca's treatment. If it's good, it's good; no need to try and discount it because it's not on your list of pre-approved sources / ideas.

230824 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Forever freeing waves Across gilded field lay sun's Shadow-sundered rays! Today's Meditation: Today's Meditation II: Today's Meditation III: Today's Meditation IV: Thoughts: Truth is mine.  [ My favorite version of Seneca's "Whatever is true, is my own." (12.11)] That's why you will see a variety of sources in the 'Meditations' sections of my daily posts. Why on Earth would I forgo some bit of wisdom just because a non-Stoic sage said it?  I'm not a philosophical purist. Even the Stoics knew no one could ever know everything, no one can actually be a Stoic Sage. We all strive to be the best we can. If someone who is otherwise a freaking nutball happens to say something that is distilled, purified, crystallized, gospel truth . . . you're damn right I'm going to take it and make it my own. I can still think the rest of the person's bullshit is bullshit while marveling at the sin

230823 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

A theme recurring Makes my cheeks not dry today. It's not for sharing. Today's Meditation: Today's Meditation II: Thoughts: Tolstoy echoes Stoic thought in the first quote, though Seneca might have called them phantasia rather than lies.  Withholding assent from sudden passions, and from suspect judgments, are both firmly established Stoic teachings. And, if Tolstoy means longer-term passions, the Stoics (and the Buddhists) also tell us that desire leads to suffering.  The less I want, the easier it is to be satisfied and happy. As for the other, I'm pretty lenient with myself. Except for one thing.

230822 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

In layman's terms, it's Sesquipedalian woo. Speak straight and simply. Today's Meditation: Today's Meditation II: Thoughts: I like big words and I cannot lie.  You other 'sophers can't deny That when virtue walks in with  a highly logical and well thought out haste And a sound thing in your face  You get sprung . Why do I ever comment online? It's never necessary. Seriously, I've been stopping myself more and more from commenting lately. Generally, there's only one specific group where I participate. Other than that, no much at all.  I think that may be a sign of improving mental health. I thinks it's also helped immensely that I've not really watched the news (on purpose) in 15 years.

230821 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

What is pure flavor? Offering the essence of Soul deep satiety. Today's Meditation: Today's Meditation II: Today's Meditation III: Thoughts: I'm hungry. Can you tell from the faux-ku?  Anticipation of Thai yumminess. But it's never as good as I wish. Or, worse, it is good, but I fail to appreciate it. I let myself get distracted and find three-quarters of the dish gone without it registering. This is a chance to practice mindfulness, to be truly present in the here and now. <insert it few hours here> Aaaaaaaand I failed. I did have some moments of attention, but not the satisfying enjoyment of full submersion to the experience.

230820 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Desire grows and grows, Pinocchio's limber prose, Or goes down in flames. Today's Meditation: Today's Meditation II: Today's Meditation III: Thoughts: Desire, in today's snippets. How desire builds upon itself and the truest happiest is found in the fewest and simplest wants. It's easy to satisfy someone who doesn't want anything. They an be satisfied all the time. And satisfaction is a component of happiness, of the good life. Every additional want or desire is a point of anxiety, of worry that I won't get XYZ. Maybe, by extension, a worry about status. They'll have more than me. I'm not as good a provider. ( Want  encompasses intangibles like reputation and status.) Also, my time and resources are still limited. More desires equal additional opportunity costs. If I can still gain only 10 widgets or honors in a given time period, then wanting 12 means I had to choose 2 to forgo. Wanting 100 would mean 'mi

230819 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Scholars and scholarchs. How much on the long way down? Pitching in and helping. Today's Meditation: Today's Meditation II: Today's Meditation III: Thoughts: Ability. Behavior. Attitude. Am I capable of learning what I need to learn?   Even if I eventually prove unable to truly grasp whatever ineffable truths there are, I'm at least better at it now than I was even a few years ago. Am I acting appropriately, in accordance with Nature? Do I follow the wise path as I navigate through life? Do I stick to my principles? Do I correctly divide between things under my control and indifferents? Do I use this knowledge to behave fittingly toward things? Am I willing to do my part, or more, to achieve our common goals?   Do I participate in the polity? Or do I expect something for nothing? Even if I'm assured that 'someone else is paying,' I must do my part to make success possible and never expect a free lunch.

230818 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

What was I dreaming? All the stars are hanging out In day. There behind. Long live the pioneers Rebels and mutineers Go forth and have no fear Come close and lend an ear Today's Meditation: Today's Meditation II: Today's Meditation III: Thoughts: Sounds like Ken needs a dose of Stoicism (or at least Epicureanism). (Note to self: go look up the context of the quote from Mr. Wilber.) If I deem myself unharmed, I am unharmed. In the 117 billion lives lived on this planet, surely many, many people have faced practically any situation that I could come across in my life. At least some of them came through it all right, with some appropriate reaction, but no more. If they can do it, it can be done. If it can be done, it can be done by me. Not to mention, I have a leg up on so many of them. I am a student of philosophy, specifically Stoicism (and a little Buddhism), and have learned many practical lessons designed to help me choose my life'

230817 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

I wish I lived in  Golden Age. Givin' it up  On a Broadway stage. Today's Meditation: Today's Meditation II: Today's Meditation III: Thoughts: Kindness is one of the primary things I try to teach my kids. 'Be kind' is a refrain I return to again and again. It's a fundamental assumption, built into everything else. I don't always live up to my ideal (calling another driver a name sotto voce as I walked past their car today), but I usually catch myself in such situations and actively try to assume either accident or ignorance or temporary insanity . . . . I remind myself to realize that they are a while person, with a complex life, of which this was literally the briefest moment. Maybe they are saints and they just didn't see me. Maybe they are normally not a great driver, but they're huge into volunteering to help others. Even if my immediate instinct is crude, I can temper or ameliorate the impulse through c

230816 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Foul ball! Strike seven! He's out twice in one at bat. What rules? Ya muddlehead! Today's Meditation: Today's Meditation II: Today's Meditation III: Thoughts: Sartori would be wonderful, but, failing that, I'll take consistent, incremental progress, day by day. I'm trying to be better. I think, in some ways, I have succeeded. I know I  have made progress, just not as much as I could, or wish I would, have. This is something that should be done. And I try to do it wholeheartedly.