201125 — What I learned in my studies this morning

From Huang Po: Gradual enlightenment does not happen.  Either you achieve enlightenment or you are not. <<There is just mysterious tacit understanding and no more.>>

(The Chun Chou Record, 17)

From Eric Hoffer: Mass movements denigrate the family during their rise.  You have to dedicate yourself wholly to the leader or the cause and distance yourself wholly from your family and any other community.  By doing this, they increase your dependence on the movement and solidify their hold on you.

Early Christianity did this. (cf. Matthew 8:22; 10:21, 35-37; 12:47-49)

War does this as well through physical disruption of family cohesion. (cf. Japan's invasion of China and the Nazi dislocation of families to internment camps)

This can also be achieved economically.  Economic independence of women, and earlier economic independence of young people, lessen parental authority, loosening familial ties.

(The True Believer, V-31)
