201204 What I learned in my studies this morning

From Eric Hoffer: 

The Ambitious Facing Unlimited Opportunities 

If they see a limitless future in front of them, people may discount the present in favor of what remains to be done. 

These people may be more susceptible to a movement than those who focus on the here and now. 

(The True Believer, VIII-39)

From Diotimus: 

Try not to get the epithet "The Vicious." 

Learning by negative example, Diotimus shows us that, regardless of what else you do in life, no matter how well you behave in all other circumstances, a single act of iniquity can become your legacy. 

"If it's not right, don't do it. If it's not true, don't say it." ~Marcus Aurelius 

(Lives of the Stoics, pp. 109-112)

From Hop o' My Thumb / Little Poucet: 

If you're poor and your parents plan to lose you in the woods, leave a trail of something inedible so you can find your way home. 

When an ogre threatens to eat you, switch your headwear with that of his own children so that, when he comes to murder you in the middle of the night based solely on what is atop your head, he kills his daughters instead of you and your brothers. 

Finally, steal his magic boots and lie to his wife to steal all their valuables when he chases you. 

I suppose the lesson in the fairy tale is to be watchful and use Bad Guys plots against them, but it's definitely an odd one. 

(The Classic Fairy Tales by Iona and Peter Opie, pp. 167-178)
