210102 What I learned in my studies this morning

Today's Tao:

Confusion will arise, however clever one is 
This is the crux of mystery. 

From The Daily Stoic: 

Learn. That's what we must do. That's why we read. That's why we study. 

The goal is virtue. The goal is wisdom. 


From Eric Hoffer, Part III, Factors Promoting Self-Sacrifice, Make-Believe:


The realm of strength of opinion, from indifference to fanaticism, is a horseshoe: fanatics on both endd are closer to one another, and more easily shifted from one extreme to the other, than the moderates at the bend of the horseshoe. 

Though they seem to be at opposite poles, fanatics of all kinds are actually crowded together at one end. It is the fanatic and the moderate who are poles apart and never meet. The fanatics of various hues eye each other with suspicion and are ready to fly at each other’s throat. But they are neighbors and almost of one family. They hate each other with the hatred of brothers. They are as far apart and close together as Saul and Paul. And it is easier for a fanatic Communist to be converted to fascism, chauvinism or Catholicism than to become a sober liberal.

(The True Believer, XIII-62)
