210216 What I learned in my studies this morning

Today's Tao:

My words are easy to understand and easy to perform, 
Yet no one under heaven knows them or practices them. 
My words have ancient beginnings. 
My actions are disciplined.

Because people do not understand, they have no knowledge of me. 
Those that know me are few;
Those that abuse me are honored. 

Therefore the wise wear rough clothing and hold the jewel in their heart.

From The Daily Stoic: 
“If someone asks you how to write your name, would you bark out each letter? And if they get angry, would you then return the anger ? Wouldn’t you rather gently spell out each letter for them? So then, remember in life that your duties are the sum of individual acts . Pay attention to each of these as you do your duty . . . just methodically complete your task.”—Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 6.26

I'm lucky. I like almost all of the people I work with. Those few, however, who get on my nerves, or who have slighted me in the past — perhaps they were slow on delivering something I needed for project or they said something unkind I heard about later — can create an almost instinctual resistance in me. An automatic emotional response which tries to throw up resistance if they ever need something from me. 

So what? I still have a job to do. I am still responsible for completing my tasks, whether I like the person who gave them to me or not. 

Life is easier when I control my emotions and just do the job. Sooner begun, sooner finished. 

Plus, by not reacting with anger or frustration, I may begin healing that relationship, making future interactions more pleasant and productive. 

From Eric Hoffer, PART 4 Beginning and End:  

Men of Words 

A Movement comes in three stages: we've covered the middle and the end (Fanatics and Men of Action). This section discusses the beginning, created by Men of Words. 

Intellectuals, experts, writers, professors, and the like must discredit and undermine the prevailing order before the Fanatics and Men of Action can begin their work changing society. 

(The True Believer, XV-104)
