210218 What I learned in my studies this morning

Today's Tao:

Do not intrude into their homes. 
Do not harass them at work.
If you do not interfere, they will not weary of you. 

Therefore the wise know themselves but make no show, 
Have self-respect but are not arrogant. 
They let go of that and choose this.

From The Daily Stoic: 
“This is the true athlete — the person in rigorous training against false impressions. Remain firm, you who suffer, don’t be kidnapped by your impressions! The struggle is great, the task divine— to gain mastery, freedom, happiness, and tranquility.”—Epictetus, Discourses, 2.18.27– 28

Too many thoughts. Too many feelings and perceptions. The world is constantly assailing me with input and impressions. 

If I plan ahead, train with modern tools of psychology and technology, I can discipline my mind and stand a better chance of being able to control my impulses and reactions.  Then I'll have more options, more rational choices, when next I find myself in times of confusion and trouble. 

From Eric Hoffer, PART 4 Beginning and End:  

Men of Words 

Where the conquerors of a land co-opt the intellectuals, giving them access to the spoils of rule and positions within the hierarchy, it will be nigh impossible for the hoi polloi to overcome them. 

If you are to control the land for an extended time, make it part of the plan to bring the Men of Words into the fold. 

(The True Believer, XV-105)
