210222 What I learned in my studies this morning

Today's Tao:

Why are the people starving? 
Because the rulers eat up the money in taxes. 
Therefore the people are starving. 

Why are the people rebellious? 
Because the rulers interfere too much. 
Therefore the people are rebellious. 

Why do the people think so little of death? 
Because the rulers demand too much of life. 
Therefore the people take death lightly. 

Having little to live on, they know better than to value life too highly.

From The Daily Stoic: 
“Cato practiced the kind of public speech capable of moving the masses, believing proper political philosophy takes care like any great city to maintain the warlike element. But he was never seen practicing in front of others, and no one ever heard him rehearse a speech. When he was told that people blamed him for his silence, he replied, ‘Better they not blame my life. I begin to speak only when I’m certain what I’ll say isn’t better left unsaid.’”—Plutarch, Cato the Younger, 4

This reminds me of one of my favorite sayings: "Don't just do something. Stand there!

I must beware acting before I am ready to act. 

I must beware acting before it is time to act. 

React is a dirty word. 

Take the time. Know what I am doing, why I am doing it, and when it is best to do it. 

Process second-level (or third- or fourth-) thinking. Who will be affected beyond the immediate target of my actions? What will the effects be beyond my immediate time frame? 

Notice once again the coincidental parallel between the Tao and the thoughts of the Stoics today. 

How can I live my life without causing harm, or unintended consequences, to others? 

From Eric Hoffer, PART 4 Beginning and End:  

Men of Words 

The Frustrated need to have faith in something.  If the Men of Words undermine the current system, the Frustrated will go looking, finding the Movement as a new source of fulfillment.

The Men of Words may think they are helping people become free when all they are really doing is shifting them from the established system to the New Thing.

(The True Believer, XV-108)
