210520 What I learned in my studies this morning

Rain rain go away 
Come again some other day. 
Little Johnny sighs. 

From The Daily Stoic: 

Quality > quantity. I surround myself in good books and good friends. 

Life is good . . . except for the rain. 

Today's Meditation:

From A Guide to the Good Life by William B. Irvine 

PART THREE Stoic Advice 

Chapter Nine: Duty § On Loving Mankind

Irvine brings up a point I had not noticed in reading The Meditations: Marcus Aurelius really disliked other people. 

Irvine quotes numerous passages which suggest that the Roman emperor felt antipathy toward most others, beginning with his famous morning recitation:

Despite the distaste humans caused in him, Marcus also daily reminded himself that it was his duty to love others and, even in disagreement, try to come to an understanding. 

We have a duty to our fellow humans. We have an obligation to live among them and to look for, strive for, agreement and compatiblility. Finding that copacetic cordiality is something that makes life better for everyone. And that is something that brings contentment and satisfaction into our life. 
