211022 What I learned in my studies this morning

Do right. Do proper.
Do more than I need to do.
Do kindness and love.

Daily Stoic:

Sometimes, I may do the right thing, but for the wrong reasons or at the expense of something I should be doing instead.

Maybe I'm exercise or dieting so that I look better to others (external) rather than because it makes me healthier and better able to do what I want to do (internal).  Or maybe I get caught up in work and I let pass a chance to spend time with my kids or to do something nice for my wife.

Better to make sure my motives are proper (internal, virtuous) and that I choose the more consequential option.

I can still do all the important things I want to do while focusing on what I can control, choosing relationships over transactions, and being kind and generous over picayune, momentary pursuits.

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Mediation III:

Daily Shakespeare:
