211027 What I learned in my studies this morning

In an easy life,
Small problems become mountains.
Time to make mole hills.
Daily Stoic:

I must be mindful of the example I set.

If my child sees me lying or cheating or skirting necessary rules, they will understand that this is acceptable behavior.

If my coworker sees me shirk my duties and deliver shoddy results, they will learn that this conduct is allowed.

If my wife sees me eying another woman . . . well, I'd be dead so there's no use worrying about that. Memento mori, right?*

[Aside: I know these aren't absolute rules.  For instance, I'm fine with my child learning from me that lying can be done in the right way, for the right reasons, at the right time — think Nazis looking for Jews.  The crux is that such exceptions require additional explanation.  Explanation which must be provided as quickly and clearly as possible after the transgression was committed.]

Still, the rule applies: if I want others to behave virtuously, my conduct must adhere to that principle.  Otherwise, I will face people who act villainously, just as I taught them to.

Time to be better.

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Mediation III:

J.S. Mill, On Liberty, Chapter 2


Not really.  Mrs. Student and I have an amazingly secure relationship, loving and trusting each other.  We know we're committed to our life together.
