211030 What I learned in my studies this morning

True morning studies, 
Rosy-fingered dawn illume.
Phil in my mind space. 

Daily Stoic:

Philosophy gets the leftovers, right? The Greatest Subject gets what remains of the day I assign to it. It's much more important to catch up on that series or watch that game or follow that celebrity. If I can spare 10 minutes at the end of the day, as I lay in my bed, then that's what it gets. 

Why spend time reading the dusty old thoughts of long-dead guys who just sat and thought about things? 

Or did they? 

Marcus was the emperor of one of the largest realms in history, during a plague, yet found the time. 

Epictetus suffered a horrid life as a slave, including maiming yet found the time. 

Seneca, Chrysippus, Junius, Musonius, Posidonius, Cato . . . all lived their philosophy. All were their philosophy so completely that simply being was practice for them. 

But I am not them. I do not share their talents and fortitude. So I must learn from them before I can stand on my own. 

Even then, I must never be too proud to ask for help when it is needed. 

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Pirsig:

Robert M. Pirsig, ZAAM, Chapter 5

Today's Poem:
