211118 What I learned in my studies this morning

Stress, pissing me off. 
Slow lanes. Annoying voices. 
All out to get me. 

Daily Stoic:

Holy crap have I been in a mood lately. Days and days of every. single. thing. in. the. fucking. universe. pissing me off. 

Rude people. Bad drivers. Forgetful friends. Jerk coworkers. Broken stuff. Fucked up technology. Thwarted plans. Overpriced crap. Error-laden bills. Labyrinthian telephone mazes. Slow internet. Stupid shows. Pens that won't write. Checkout lines that don't move. Stores that are don't have what I want.  To go food orders that are missing items.  Apps that won't run right.  

Eighteen. fucking. miles. of almost standstill traffic.

I seriously need to relax. 

And meditate on Marcus' #4 above.  Amor fati. 

Time to be better. 

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:
