220123 What I learned in my studies this morning 2

We are all the same, 
Under Chance's varied cloak. 
Humans. One. All. 

Daily Stoic:

We forget how much of success is opportuned by luck. Being born into the right family. In the right country. At the right time. Meeting the right people and becoming friends with them. And a million other things that help create success.*

Many people, myself included, subconsciously relate great wealth‡ with a concomitant ability and / or moral worth.  Somehow, wealth seemingly, magically transforms an ordinary human into someone we should look up to, someone we should aspire to be like (in a personal sense, beyond merely wishing we had the same resources), someone who is a different kind of human and perhaps not really the same species anymore. 
They are not. They are human. Same potentials and foibles as the rest of us. We've just been conditioned to make that association. 

Just because someone is wealthy doesn't mean they are immune to mental, physical, and personal limitations that plague us hoi polloi

What's more, something we must have in common since we are all, in fact, normal humans, is that our highest calling is to improve ourselves, our family, friends, community, and the entire universe of humankind

If we fail in this purpose, we fail at life, regardless of what material trappings they find surrounding us when we die. 

Today's Meditation:

An influential Buddhist monk, Thích Nhất Hạnh, died recently. 

Here is the first one:

1. Peace can only exist now

“Peace can exist only in the present moment. It is ridiculous to say ‘Wait until I finish this, then I will be free to live in peace.’ What is ‘this’? A di­ploma, a job, a house, the payment of a debt? If you think that way, peace will never come. There is always another ‘this’ that will follow the present one. If you are not living in peace at this moment, you will never be able to. If you truly want to be at peace, you must be at peace right now. Otherwise, there is only ‘the hope of peace some day.’”

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Meditation III:

 Today's Meditation IV:

Daily Shakespeare:

As You Like It , Act 3 Scene 2 


* Please do not make the vulgar mistake of believing, because I can see how much luck plays into wild success, that this means I discount the value of hard work in pursuit of success. I do not. 

Understanding that both apply to all of us, at different times in our lives and to varying degrees, is perfectly rational.

‡ To a lesser extent, this applies to anyone well-known for something most people cannot do. Fantastic athletes, master artists, tech geniuses, engaging authors, trenchant scholars, culinarians, inspiring teachers..... 
