220330 What I learned in my studies this morning 2

I love sounds of rain, 
Spring renewal in full force. 
Patter patter pit.

Daily Stoic:

Unthinking habit plays a bigger role in my life than it should. Uninspected rote directing me to this or that, following comfortable paths laid down over years and miles. 

How can focusing on my mind, my community's mind, and my neighbor's mind help me with this? 

My mind, by finding justice in what I do. If that is by habit, wonderful! Likely though, it is not and I must refocus to fulfill my goals. 

My community's mind, by seeing that I am part of the whole and must do what I can to help others and improve society. This is a primary aim, but not an entrenched aspect of my idiom yet. 

My neighbor's mind, by reinforcing my understanding of, and empathy with, those I am with day after day. Learning more about how I am reflected in each and all of those people I meet. 

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Music:

'La Calinda' from Koanga by Frederick Delius 
