220331 What I learned in my studies this morning 2

Another night thoughts 
Put off 'til too late today, 
My lassitude reigns. 

Daily Stoic:

I'll meditate on this in the morning. 

Why do I chase impossible things?  Do I know they are impossible?  If not, I cannot be blamed.  Errors happen.  If I find out later they are not feasible, then I have a duty to myself to correct my actions.

If I know they are impossible, but pursue then anyway, then I am not just in error, but actively distancing myself from prohairesis and eudaimonia.  Why would I do that?

Because I am mentally ill in some way that 'forces' me to act that way?
Because I desire to gain the approval / avoid the disapproval of others?
Because I am willfully going against my nature, actively making poor choices?

Regardless of the reason, I must do better.

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Music:

Daily Shakespeare:

Othello, Act 4 Scene 3 
