220824 What I learned in my studies this morning 2

Source of small rivers —
To torrents rushing through fords —
Fountainhead of Truth.

Daily Stoic:

But now I ought to close my letter. "What?" you say; "shall it come to me without any little offering?" Be not afraid; it brings something, – nay, more than something, a great deal. For what is more noble than the following saying of which I make this letter the bearer: "It is wrong to live under constraint; but no man is constrained to live under constraint." Of course not. On all sides lie many short and simple paths to freedom; and let us thank God that no man can be kept in life. We may spurn the very constraints that hold us. "Epicurus," you reply, "uttered these words; what are you doing with another's property?" Any truth, I maintain, is my own property. And I shall continue to heap quotations from Epicurus upon you, so that all persons who swear by the words of another, and put a value upon the speaker and not upon the thing spoken, may understand that the best ideas are common property. Farewell. ~ Seneca, Moral letters to Lucilius/Letter 12

If I find truth, I should adopt it.  Source be damned.

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Music:

Partitia no. 1 in B flat major, BWV 825, 2: Allemande by J. S. Bach

Daily Shakespeare:

Henry IV, Part 2, Act 2 Scene 4
