220924 What I learned in my studies this morning 2

I gotta mission and I won't stop.
No destination but it's worth a shot. 
You gotta let me go. 
You gotta let me go. 

Daily Stoic:

Premeditatio malorum. Anticipate realistic troubles and mentally prepare for them.  If I know X may happen, it's to my advantage to rehearse in my imagination how I would handle it. 

When my coworker was dismissed yesterday, I was reminded of this maxim.  I thought long and hard about how I would react to being fired. 

What would I say to my family and friends?  What practical steps would I take?  Would I look into entrepreneurship or tradecraft?   Search for another traditional job?  How would I handle it psychologically?  What resources do I have at hand to allow for some deliberation rather than haste? 

It's a complicated question which can I better answer if I consider it ahead of time. 

Today's Meditation:

(Nicest way I've ever heard of saying, "Just shut up.") 

Today's Music:

Les baricades mistérieuses by François Couperin (1668-1733) arr. Thomas Adès (b. 1971)

Daily Shakespeare:

Othello, Act 3 Scene 3
