220926 What I learned in my studies this morning 2

'Cause we live in a time of make-believe
We both can't agree
That we're reachin' the point of
Nothing burns like the cold air, air

Daily Stoic:

Wasted time isn't always wasted.  Sometimes I need the break from . . . well . . . everything and will just veg out for a while.

But doing this too much, day after day with nothing to show for it, becomes repetitive and unsatisfying.  Better to find a way to relax and improve myself at the same time.

Meditating on Stoic thoughts works well for me.  I have dozens or philosophical texts in my Kindle app.  And more when it comes to physical books at home.  I always have an option for what to read.  Some bit will catch my eye and that's where I'll head for the day.

Maybe it's Marcus, maybe it's Nietzsche, maybe it's Beauvoir or the Ancient Greeks or Philosophy of Mind or Nozick or the Upanishads or Ward Farnsworth or who knows.  But something will be enough to capture my interest and I can use that as my focus for the day.

And this has made all the difference.

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Music:

Du bist die Ruh - You are peace, D. 776 by Franz Schubert

Daily Shakespeare:

Venus and Adonis, ll. 649-660
