221229 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Haunting melodies
Beautiful sounds of heaven. 
Angelic voices. 

Daily Stoic:

I actively try to be as nice as I can. Life is so much . . . nicer when I can make people smile and feel good. 

The look on the waiter's face when something is screwed up with the food and I smile and they realize I'm not mad, not going to yell at them or berate them. 

My kid's emotions when they realize that, while I may be disappointed or alarmed or worried by whatever they did, I'm focused on having them learn to be better rather than punishing or being mad at them. 

The old lady or man who is embarrassed because they are walking so slow and impeding my way in the store or on the walkway and I smile and assure them it's no problem, can I help you with XYZ? 

I look for these opportunities. And I owe it to these daily meditations.  

The changes I've made through studying Stoicism and trying to improve my attitude and behavior have made me so much kinder, more patient, and better able to find ways to do good for others. 

I just wish I hadn't wasted 50 years before beginning this journey. 

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Music:

Agnus Dei by Wojciech Kilar

Daily Shakespeare:

Sonnet 154
