230220 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

We begin to die
From the moment we are born.
Given a short time.


"The wise man too sheds tears, I believe, sometimes when he allows them to flow and sometimes when they well up of their own accord. I will explain the difference. When we are first assailed by the news of an untimely death, when we are holding the body that is soon to pass directly from our embrace into the flames, tears are squeezed out of us by a necessity of nature: just as the breath, when struck by grief's blow, shakes the entire body, so does it press upon and expel the moisture in the vicinity of the eyes. These tears are shed due to internal pressure and involuntarily. There are others, though, to which we give egress when we revisit the memory of those we have lost and find an element of sweetness in our sorrow when we think of their pleasant conversation, their cheerful company, their devoted service. At that time, the eyes release their tears, just as in joy. These we indulge; the others conquer us. So you need not hold back your tears because another person is standing near, or sitting at your side; nor should you make yourself cry because of them: neither tears nor the lack of tears is ever as shameful as when tears are feigned. Let them come of their own accord." ~ Seneca 

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:


  1. You are responsible for many memories of laughter in my life - thank you my friend!


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Please note that I am not saying I agree or disagree with what is posted above. It is merely a recording of what I read this morning.