230224 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Truth rides on the wing,
Flash! Swinging right, left, back.
Find the right way to say what you must. 


I try to be truthful. This means I'm not. It falls in line with Yoda's proscription, "Do or do not. There is no try." 

Is truth a threshold event or a continuum on which we slide back and forth, sometimes more successful, sometimes less? 

I can see both possibilities. In most things, I'm a sliding scale sort of guy. Evil and good? Nice or mean? Helpful and unhelpful? All show me ranges of action and success (even if there may be cases where it seems to become an on / off state). 

Truth and lying sometimes seem that way: if the subject matter is slight and the repercussions of some import, might I be forgiven the lie to preserve whatever better state will come? 

But here be dragons. The slippery slope is steep and the risks great. 

There is real danger in making an exception for myself when it comes to the truth. Even if in this instance the lie would seem innocuous, if not positively beneficial, it is such. a. small. thing. to expand what circumstances allow the exception on the next iteration.

But yet I still tempt that fate, lying when it seems the "best" thing to do. 

Time to be better. 

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:

Today's Meditation III:

Today's Music:

Spiegel im Spiegel by Arvo Pärt
