230322 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Driving through traffic,
Visiting a friend, old places.
New memories made.


I need to reread Seneca's letters.  It's been well more than a year and I need a refresher.  (This thought brought to you by the first quote below and the letter P.)

Gotta finish some work on a book by A. A. Long first.  Tough sledding there.  Reminds me of my grad work from the Dark Ages. 

Visiting a friend from college today.  Haven't seen him in person in decades, but he is the GM for the RPG I've been playing for a few years now so it's not like we haven't talked in that long.  It's just nice that we'll get to sit down together after such a long time.

We're meeting where we went to college together.  The 100-mile-drive there after work and the 100-mile-drive back after we hang out are both going to be . . . less than fun . . . but if that's the price I have to pay to see a friend, I will gladly pay it.  I won't enjoy it, but I will pay it.

I can recast it in my mind as an exercise in patience (~40 of those 100 miles will be through areas with pretty heavy traffic) and accepting life as it is rather than as I wish it were.

Plus there are my audiobooks so I've that going for me, which is nice.

Today's Meditation:
“You must linger among a limited number of master-thinkers, and digest their works if you would derive ideas which shall win firm hold in your mind.” ~ Seneca, Letters from a Stoic, II (On Discursiveness in Reading)
Today's Meditation II:
Philosophy is the essential, centering pursuit. It challenges us. It requires work and reflection and self-criticism. It requires that we hold ourselves to certain standards and that we hold ourselves to account when we fail to. It’s the real work, not the busy work. Philosophy is what birthed you, raised you, and continues to re-make you as life goes on. ~ The Daily Stoic 230322
Today's Meditation III:

Today's Meditation IV:
