230323 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

What do I pursue?
On what do I waste my time?
Many stupid things.

. . . by "disease" we mean . . . that things which are mildly desirable are thought to be highly desirable. - Seneca, Moral Letters, 75.11
What do I pursue blindly or, at least, uncritically? 

Not fame. That's not my thing. In fact, it's pretty much the opposite of what sounds good to me. Tons of strangers trying to talk to me and hang out with me all day long, every day? Not even close. Bleh.

Not money. I've enough and, while more is generally better, we're already able to meet our needs and indulge in many wants.

Not other women. I'm very happily married (20+ years) and don't feel the need to go chasing skirts.

Not power. I have enough to do trying to run my own life. But even if I had the time, I have zero desire to tell others how to live theirs. So long as people are peaceful, I'm not going to mess with them.

So, what then,do I go after when there are better choices to be made? 

FB reactions and responses? Yeah, not all the time, but still too damn often.

Watching stupid movies and shows? Guilty.

Eating too much / the wrong stuff? Definitely.

Not sleeping when I should be sleeping? Like, right now? 

Goodnight, all. 

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:
