230731 What I learned in my studies this morning 3

Waiting and waiting.
But the scene's neverchanging.
Maybe tomorrow.

Today's Meditation:

Today's Meditation II:


My dad's in the hospital again. Same as before. Maybe they'll discover a better treatment this time.

I remind myself that I am only borrowing him and must someday see him return. Hopefully not for a while now.

Illness and old age don't scare me so much as make me simply wish they didn't happen. (Something I hope my grandchildren or great grandchildren might know, if medicine keeps advancing.)

Go away, for heaven’s sake, back to where you came from. I have no need of you. It’s only ingrained habit that has made it possible for you to come. I’m not angry with you, but just go away. (Meditations 7.7)

Marcus was talking about some unknown impression, but I think this applies here as well. I don't look forward to the troubles of aging, but I don't fear them. When they come, I will, of course, accept them gracefully as part of Nature. (Yeah, right . . . but that's what I'm shooting for anyway.)

My dad is a matchstick, spreading good though, not fire. The ripples of his life extend far and deep.  He has made a direct positive impact on the lives of literally thousands of people over the years.  And he's a good man. My Cato.
