230910 What I learned in my studies this morning 3


Today's Meditation(s):


Save for exceptions such as sociopaths who don't have one and brain damage which can alter or eliminate it, conscience is supposed to be universal.

So how can it be in all of us?  Surely it's the rule, right? The "of course (normal) people have a conscience' chorus is certainly a loud one.

But how can something which can be reduced or erased be universal? If it can be sliced away or impaired by genetics or physical injury, or blurred by drugs and alcohol, or corrupted by chronic, malicious maltreatment . . . how can we reasonably assign such a property to all people?

It seems a fantastically flimsy device on which to hang moral principles.

Yet smarter minds and wiser souls than mine have turned to it again and again.

I think this worth pursuing and will come back to it tomorrow.
