240104 What I learned in my studies this morning 4*

Damnit. I hate it
When the poem delays my
Post without warning....

Today's Meditation(s):

Meditations (Waterfield)





All harm is internal since only vice is harm.  Lose a thing a limb a person a job . . . no harm no foul unless I let it convince me to act improperly.

And if I do act not in accordance with Nature, I choose to do that.  No one else. Not the person who hits my car. Not the person who fires me without warning.  Nor the person who gives me attitude at the restaurant.

I choose my actions.

At. All. Times.

Without. Exception.


(I blamed it on the poem up above, but really, I just plain forgot to finish this entry yesterday so up it goes, today, with an asterisk.  Guess this fits in with the idea of a self-inflicted harm, eh?)
