240214 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s):

It's been one of those days, ya know?  I've had to remind myself often of my Stoic practices.

Nothing seems to go right.  My mind is scattered and I can't think straight.  I can't concentrate.  I've been shit at work and, even when I take a break to do something 'fun,' it stresses me out and I feel overwhelmed.

I can't even focus long enough to read my philosophy.

And I have no idea why.

It's a hell of a lot easier to 'look at the Big Picture' or reflect on 'who will care about X in ten years?' when I know what X is.

All I have is a vague malaise which is keeping me from being effective and from enjoying anything.

I can remind myself that this is a natural state for human to experience — many others have experienced this before me and will after (hells, I've experienced it before) — but that gets me no closer to identifying what it is that has me gyrating off-kilter.

The best I've got is that I know it will pass.  I just need to wait it out.

Some days suck.  Hold on until tomorrow.  Just keep swimming.

(At least, since I'm aware of it, I can keep my mood from causing me to treat others poorly.)
