240217 What I learned in my studies this morning 4

Today's Meditation(s):

Enchiridion 10 (Waterfield)

I do this often — find myself stymied and ask 'what is necessary for me in this? how do I practice virtue here, now?' — as I navigate my daily doings.*

It helps me accept how things are rather than how I wish they were. I can pause, step back, and evaluate the situation, looking for the best path forward despite, or, perhaps, because of, any reservations.

I find it happens most when I become impatient - with my kids, with my spouse, with work, with whatever frustrates me.

Like a few days ago when I was in that livid† funk and couldn't escape it. I focused on practicing patience, on accepting that this sucks but I will make it through. Even if it was simply waiting it out until I fall asleep and wake the next day. Even if it didn't feel better during the wait.


Epictetus ends this with impressions. The Greek word here — φαντασία‡ — means 'appearance' or 'appearing', something 'presented to the mind'. Higgenson, 1948, translates it as 'the phenomena of existence.'

My mind went naturally to 'passion' to conclude that thought, but I get why 'passion' and 'carried away with appearances' mean the same thing here.


* I tried, I really tried, to avoid the alliteration here, but no other word seemed as free from implications as this.

† I learned a new (definition for a) word today. I love it when that happens.

‡ Isn't it wonderful that people have provided me with the snuff to find and define this word? And to find alternative versions? Marvelous.
